Wednesday 11 July 2012

A Summer Place

An overcrowded flower bed, buzzing with summer, smells of one thousand sweet scents. The door of the house swings open letting out the bubble of silly conversation. The constant hum of a lawn mower calms all worried thoughts. This is a place of relaxation, but also a place of fun; the new puppy from the farm house bounds into the kitchen skidding on the slippery floor, each person is inspected and with one contented bark, he is on his way again.


  1. A lovely, inviting description. Proofread carefully.

  2. This is a really nice and descriptive piece of writing.

  3. This provides a strong visual aspect, and helps us to remind ourselves of the beautiful summer we are missing out on! Great piece :)

  4. This is really great, it is a very atmospheric piece which sets a scene in your mind.
